Nuclear Magnetic Resonance - The Wizard of Technology


When you hear the term "Nuclear Magnetic Resonance", you may imagine that you are in a science fiction movie, surrounded by mysterious technology, but in fact, nuclear magnetic resonance is not a fictional movie plot, but a real high-tech. Let's unravel the mystery of MRI to understand the magic of this technology! You are in a mysterious laboratory surrounded by magnetic fields. Suddenly, a beam of light flashes through the instrument and, like magic, turns your body into a colourful picture. This is where the magic of MRI comes in.

In the world of nuclear magnetic resonance, which is full of fantastic colours, atomic nuclei seem to be transformed into a group of lively and lovely elves.


They are all spinning happily, as if playing on the carousel, enjoying the pleasure and excitement brought by the rotation. This rotation, which we call the spin of the nucleus, is the soul of MRI technology. When we apply a strong applied magnetic field to these nuclei, they are instantly attracted to the centre of the field as if they were waved by a magician with a magic wand. Then, under the guidance of the magnetic field, they begin to follow the rhythm of the magnetic field and "dance" gracefully like dancers. This dance is not random but is determined by the type of nuclei and the environment in which they are located. It is like a choreographed dance performance in which each nucleus moves its body precisely according to its role and rhythm. Some nuclei may dance in a light and agile way, like a butterfly dancing in the flowers; while others may dance calmly and powerfully, like an elephant walking slowly in the forest. The whole performance is like a magical feast of nature, which makes people can't help but be amazed by this marvellous natural phenomenon. Through MRI technology, we can gain insight into the mysteries of atomic nuclei and the environment in which they reside, just as we did with this dance performance. This technique is like a magical key that opens the door to the microscopic world and gives us a glimpse of marvellous sights that are usually hard to perceive.


This "dancing" phenomenon is the basis of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) technology. By adjusting the strength and frequency of the applied magnetic field, we can precisely control the "dancing" behaviour of the nucleus and obtain a wealth of information about the sample. It is like watching a magnificent dance performance, where every movement contains a wealth of information waiting to be interpreted and understood. With MRI technology, we can gain insights into the structure, composition and properties of substances, just as we would observe a spectacular dance performance. This precise, non-invasive analysis method has made MRI an indispensable and important tool in the fields of chemistry, biology and medicine, bringing great convenience and progress to scientific research and medical diagnosis.

Therefore, when we stand in the world of MRI, it is as if we are in a marvellous dance performance, witnessing the atomic nuclei jumping joyfully, showing the mystery and charm of nature. MRI not only allows us to see the internal structure of the human body but also acts like a magician, presenting the internal organs, blood vessels, muscles and other tissues clearly in front of our eyes, as if the human body were cut open, allowing us to have an unobstructed view. This is the magic of MRI technology.

MRI technology is not only useful in the field of medicine but also as a multi-faceted player in the fields of chemistry, materials science, biology and so on. In the field of chemistry, it can help us to study the structure and composition of substances; in the field of material science, it can help us to understand the properties of materials and the law of phase change; in the field of biology, it can help us to study the structure and function of biomolecules.


MRI is like a mysterious magic show, using its unique charm to let us peep into the mysteries of the microscopic world and unravel the mystery of the natural world.